Nancy, Nancy, Nancy. You ignorant slut.
The more people know about you and what you are doing in Congress, the LESS we support it.
Why d’ya think more people don't have happy-talk faces like yours (aside from the botox, I mean)? Why d’ya think this Congress – YOUR Congress – has the lowest popular support in memory? When have you ever thought about the people and not about yourself first (fixing your husband’s business taxes; stamping your foot until you got a bigger carbon-footprint airplane?)
Here are a few much more substantial reasons we the people don’t support you:
1.You rushed the enormous TARP spending bill thru the House, that neither you nor any other House Member read. You called it essential to America's economic recovery. You said that the House did not have time to debate it. Because if time were taken in debate, it would be too late. Over a thousand "earmarks" and unknown billions of dollars were discovered to be targeted to Democrat-connected political groups not honest job creation. It’s also a fact that 3/4 of the TARP spending in the first 4 months went to Medicaid and State fiscal stabilization funds – in other words, most of the money was used to shore up state budgets, not to create jobs. That is not the the “stimulus” you promised. Was this intentional misrepresentation, or just ignorant of you? Lucky for you, there’s a good argument for ignorant - because Nancy Pelosi, you never read the Bill.
2. You are now trying to rush the cap-and-trade bill thru the House. You say this Bill is essential to fight a holy war against global warming, and that Congress must pass it without delay – or debate. Obama himself, we now know, said cap-and-trade would cause energy prices in the U.S. to “skyrocket.” And energy costs affect just about everything else in the economy. Just as we are struggling to get thru a very deep economic recession, the Congress and the administration are intent on raising consumer costs. That infuriates the public you claim “supports it”. Intentionally or ignorantly you misrepresent this bill as essential for America, even though it is transparently a sell-out of American consumer interests. Lucky for you there’s a good argument for ignorantly - because Nancy Pelosi, you never read the Bill.
3. You falsely accused the CIA of concealing information from you about Iraqi prisoner interrogations. You lied about this because you were afraid the political winds were shifting. When the CIA proved they had briefed you all along, you accused them of lying. And when you could not prove that the CIA had lied, you changed the subject and the media covered for you. Everyone understands the truth that you had been fully briefed all along. Nancy Pelosi, you bet the public was too dumb to understand. Thank heavens for the internet.
4. What else? Oh, you’re at it again, pushing a huge and unexplored mass of health care legislation thru the House. You say it's “essential” (where have we heard that before?). You say Congress must pass it right away. (where have we heard that story before?) You say this Bill will reduce health care spending by so much, it will save our economy. Then you say this health care bill is being "misrepresented" by "evil” and “immoral” insurance companies and their minions. But you don’t say the Congressional Budget Office is “evil” or “immoral” for disclosing that the Bill will not only produce no savings, it will ADD TO the cost of our healthcare and TAKE AWAY our choices. But . . . hey, how could you possibly know if anyone were misrepresenting the Bill? Nancy Pelosi, you haven’t read it.
So Nancy, this pretty much explains why you are less popular than George Bush. The more the public knows about what you're doing, the more we know that you are not the change we can believe in.
Nancy (with the laughing face)?
Reviewed by Merlyn Rosell
Published :
Rating : 4.5
Published :
Rating : 4.5