Do you know your PDQ? No, not "Pretty Darn Quick:" your Personal Disability Quotient. A few weeks ago, we learned about a new online tool that can help us calculate our life expectancy, which is nice if we're talking about quantity . But it's also important to consider quality of life, and that's where another new tool comes in.
The Council for Diability Awareness has designed a tool for folks to calculate how likely it is for one to become disabled. The PDQ Calculator is pretty easy (and fast) to use, and not particularly intrusive. You're asked about height and weight, age and whether or not you smoke, what kind of work you do, that kind of thing. After you've input that data, the app kicks out your odds of becoming disabled.
If you care to, you can then input some financial info, which allows the program to calculate the dollar amount that's at stake; at no time does it ask for personally identifying information . At the end, you can even print out a report with all the information neatly laid out.
Very cool, and very useful.
Very cool, and very useful.
Reviewed by Merlyn Rosell
Published :
Rating : 4.5
Published :
Rating : 4.5